Estate Sochi

Business in Sochi Sochi is famous for its high prices on literally everything: food, clothing, appliances, services, etc. Particularly surprised by the price of fruits that are higher than Moscow. Traditional ways of earning Sochi – a hotel, entertainment and sightseeing business. Thredup is actively involved in the matter. Ordinary residents actively ply rent to […]

Mahatma Gandhi

Statues of Hindu gods carved on the walls of caves in Elephanta, will tell you their ancient history. This famous island, where the road tour every now and then run across the shoals of monkeys, separated from Bombay and a short pleasant trip on the water. Leaving the city retail magnates, skyscrapers and film stars, […]

Old Mongolian Water

There was a great ruler his secret strength, power and health and it is connected with a mysterious place in the Eastern Sayan Mountains. For a long time it was secret. People broadcast news about it by word of mouth: – There's miracles, and true hope. There's despair is replaced by joy and gratitude heaven. […]

Chinese Industries

People at the time little interested in issues of quality and origin. If only they were relatively inexpensive and useful. Well, with respect to the Chinese, their natural industry, entirely misery of millions of the country, the ability to live almost one bowl of rice a day, all this was the breeding ground for what […]