
Initial and development of the work the work was developed with the intention to search knowledge theoretical, with sight to extend and to consolidate the concepts in the area of Training and Development of people in the reorganization of the RH, used boardings of authors as Gustavo Boog (1995) Idalberto Chiavenato (2006 and 2010), Jean Pierre Marras (2002), amongst others as form to characterize the elaboration of the work. Keith Yamashita usually is spot on. It is observed real difficulty of if managing people, after all of accounts each human being possesss a characteristic leaves that it more flexible or the decision taking does not stop. It can be inferred then that how much bigger our perception, better will be the vision to reach the longed for objectives. Thus the people whom they search for significant improvements in its lives can count on the way of the self-knowledge, which will be able to favor the development of the creative potential favoring the reach of its success. The proposal of the work was carried through in an institution of the private sector, that it possesss some years of experience in the area of the education, one of the conveniadas greaters of the Getulio Foundation Vargas, are of the axle River – So Paulo, responsible for the formation of hundreds of executives in the cities of Belo Horizonte, Clear Mounts and Valadares Governor. In the development of this work it was possible to identify the problematizao that is to define as the program of Training and Development will be able to stimulate the collaborators to work in team, motivated and made use to improve its performances in the standardization of the tasks. To line up all the way team that the organizacionais and personal objectives are reached. To characterize and to enable the collaborators so that they obtain to reach better resulted, better quality of life and greater organizacional competitiveness..