Data Protection Rules

With regard to the conservation of personal data Spanish regulations matter does not set default or fixed deadlines. In this respect in article 4 of the organic law 15/1999, of 13 December, of protection of Personal character data (in hereinafter LOPD) indicated that the personal data only is may collect for your treatment, as well […]

Random Number

There are several methods to alleviate the negative effects which the duplicate content can cause in the positioning of our sites created with the popular WordPress CMS. If you do a quick search in Google you can find from that recommended to add the canonical tag to all articles or recommended that you edit the […]


Yes 2010 already seemed a year of big changes in 2011 seems that the trend will be much greater. This year the iPad, lots of mobile applications, social commerce, corporate participation in social media and other many agents of change saw the light. But 2011 seems to go beyond. 1 Increase in defensive branding while […]

Writes To Sell

To write good content is good to be in a creative State, so will give the best of ourselves to write. There are moments of the day better than others. Each has its own, discovers when it is and advantage to sit down to write. Read more here: Macy’s Inc. . Convey your ideas by […]

By The Mass Mailing To Facebook Messages

Once you know the different disciplines and to understand whether in a large BetriebUnternehmen or does little in a small company, without advertising. A big company employing such proper professionals or employs its own internal Department for marketing. A midget with a much smaller budget for advertising, should know the possibilities of marketing and advertising […]

NT-AG MorningEvent In July – VMware VSphere 5.1 Troubleshooting And Optimization

3 Hours of practice workshop: shows basics, demos & manual troubleshooting Sven Gmelin in the 3-hour practice workshop how can be problems in the VMware environment questioned, searched for possible causes and finally solved the problem. He first arrives on the basics of VMware troubleshooting tools and commands. Then he enters the network and VM-troubleshooting […]

Georefenciacion Geo

Some examples of types of descriptors: demographic descriptors (age, gender, income level, occupation, level Educational, ethnic origin) (geographical Area of influence of potential clients) geographic descriptors descriptors Geo-Demograficos(Definicion de descriptores demograficos, aplicados areas geograficas especificas) Georefenciacion Geo-Segmentac ion descriptors psychographic (Social class, lifestyle, personality) descriptors of the behavior (as potential buyers behave in relation to […]

Printing A Way Of Advertising

Nowadays, Monterrey has been known for having printers that can compete nationally, because they offer large advertising services that are very required for companies who like to have a very good impression with your customers. Servicio Tecnico para computadoras en Monterrey, are characterized by having a large advertising service, since they have with the best […]

Affiliate Marketing

One of the things that attracts people to the internet business is affiliate marketing, in which, the person who promotes a product receives a Commission for each sale that makes the manufacturer of that product. It is one of the methods most singles to earn money via the internet, since this allows that it can […]