Protection Of The Constitution In Germany

The significance of V men fear has resulted from terrorism and extremism in Germany. The latest crime series was mainly the work of the protection of the Constitution in the focus. Here, attracting so-called V-men provides material for discussion. These are not officers of the protection of the Constitution, but used for the surveillance of […]

Success Story Continues: Utopia Celebrates Two-year Anniversary

In two years largest German-language social community for sustainable consumption the online portal has become in its two year existence of the largest German-speaking community for strategic consumption and sustainable lifestyle. Since the launch on 8 November 2007, more than 50,000 people as utopians have”registered. We start then ever with the slogan”and articles as […]

CDA Baden-Wurttemberg And MP Oettinger At Daimler

CDU social committees request bailout for trainees and advertise with Gunther Oettinger to votes at Daimler in SINDELFINGEN. Minister President Gunther Oettinger and the Chairman of the CDU social committees (CDA) Christian Baumler early got up. At the start of the morning shift, they distributed the operating information (bi) the CDA on workers and employees […]