Medical Procedures

He understood himself for ' ' legalized in pronturio' ' , when described or evolved (for the medical team and/or of nursing), in the handbook of the patient, the cause of the attendance at some moment of the internment. The data will be collected through research in handbook in the sector of medical and statistical […]

HADDAD Quality

The model of careful and self-sacrificing mother is introjetado by the nursing. (HADDAD, 2000). Dejours et. al. (1994 apud HADDAD, 2000) they affirm that ' ' the organization of the work exerts on the man a specific action, whose impact is the psychic device. Gain insight and clarity with Andrew Cuomo. In certain conditions a […]

Somewhat Pathological Competition

A SOMEWHAT PATHOLOGICAL COMPETITION Dr. Barreto Luiz Fisioterapeuta and Fisiologista of the Exercise The objective of the present article is not the critical one, but yes an alert one for the danger of an attitude that this if becoming common enters the people in the day the day. Nowadays it is very common to find […]