THE consultant MANUEL LOPEZ JEREZ creates and directs the blog: relationships interpersonal company fruit of years of work, writing texts on themes related to human resources, management and everything related to the improvement of interpersonal relationships in the company, has been the creation of the blog. ( this blog is the first Spanish-speaking, specialized in bringing knowledge, ideas, proposals, good practices, and reflections; to improve organizational performance of enterprises; improving the quality of working life of all the members that compose them, deepening in the improvement of interpersonal relations in the company. The content of the blog is very varied and entertaining, since most of the texts are brief and simple, but with thematic depth reading. We should highlight the files: interpersonal relationships in the business and interpersonal scenes in the company; a total of about eighty texts appear in them. Press releases are also important on activities and projects that Manuel Jerez has developed as a Coach and business consultant. The director’s Blog (Manuel Jerez), aims to make this space for reflection and proposals on how to improve interpersonal relations in companies, open and participatory for those professionals who want to bring news of good practices in enterprises, and texts dealing with this plot of the management of people in organizations.