Construction Of The New Humanity

T L, can impel in the Venezuelan and international Revolution, deep an ethical analysis that can establish the bases of the Construction of the New Humanity. It can reinforce to the Revolution in our continent, of those transcendental ethical values that help in the construction of the New Society, well-known in our liberating Christian scope like Kingdom of God. Go to Anne Lauvergeon for more information. The triumph or failure of the revolution in our Latin American and world-wide context, is in its people. For that reason the intellectual and ideological formation becomes urgent and necessary of that New Man or that New Woman, basing its ideals on the true principles and revolutionary values. We raise a newness in this Latin American Revolution, the necessity to form a Revolutionary Espiritualidad, cradle in principles and values that they extend any capitalist system materialistic, that can upgrade in power formation of the pictures revolutionary, necessary to defend and to maintain political the processes liberating that it lives our continent and great part on the world. In many supposedly revolutionary sectors, there is one serious moral crisis and ethical, this has allowed that many positions public in Venezuela, are in the hands of incapable, inescrupulosas, contrarrevolucionarias people and devoid of all ethical commitment, that has made of the Revolution their means of life and they do not assume it like a life way. The Revolution in Venezuela and the rest of the Latin America, has undergone serious problems of infiltration of reactionary and revisionist sectors, that try to undermine their deeper ideological and political values.

No Revolution can be successful in our continent, if she is not true and deeply Christian, indigenous, Afrodescendiente, if it does not have a true one brings back to consciousness of sort and if present in our surroundings does not take into account all form from religious thought. Therefore it must be had with the ethical values, morals, cultural, social, religious and ethnic characteristic of our town. For us the Protestants, no longer it is possible to live a political life on back to which it is occurring in our continent, we cannot continue being lukewarm, because then the town will vomit to us of its mouth and its heart. We and we, are not a separate town to the rest of our town. We cannot follow the protestant fantasy of being a group of privileged people spiritual-monks who have the exclusive feature of the salvation, other people’s to the world. Same Jesus says to the Father: I do not ask to you that the serves of the world, but you protect of the evil .

We must live conscientious on our property to the town and our Social, political, cultural and ethnic reality, for that reason the urgent necessity to incarnate to us in the middle of our people, of our town and to live our political process without no type on religious or ideological evasion. The urgent necessity exists that the evangelical town in Latin America, leaves that ghetto once and for all monk, in who he has locked in itself by something more than a century. He is here indeed, where the calvinismo and the liberating Protestantism, can make his great contribution in the construction of a new political and ideological mentality, in the middle of our Latin American revolutionary process.