Brazilian Time

In his 328 years of history. In the 12 years of the Declaration of UNESCO. Historical humanity’s Cultural heritage. Cultural historical tourism guide. TITO Alberto Pinto. Our intention and task is to transmit information concerning the historical evolution in the city, their areas of influence and the consequences generated by their development in the Rio […]

Train A Puppy Using Tricks Canines

In this article we will describe how to educate a puppy so that it does not dirty in the House, and we will focus on the method of training with cage. First choose the cage should be comfortable and appropriate size for our puppy. You can also organize it is like a small house of […]

Techniques Of Digital Documentation

1 INTRODUCTION Currently, each time more the institutions depends on the digital information that produce, therefore, becomes importantssimo the implementation of techniques and technological politics of preservation that will guarantee the perenidade and the accessibility this type of information that is in another support that not it traditional paper. Of this form, one understands that […]


Internet We can testify the birth of a so important vehicle when the press of Gutemberg? clearly, making the had ratios and distinctions of time and place. The Internet has the condo to join to a click the past and the gift, without bigger efforts – we can thus see that our gift vastly was […]

Ukrainian Insurgent Army

History – inexact science, under construction in mainly on subjective interpretations and recollections of eyewitnesses. But, as you know, the testimony of the aggressor and the victim will always be different. Even historians and archivists said that the same event is described in different sources in different ways. And this is playing into the hands […]


There are times when we face there is a need of convenient and compact storage of different things and objects. There are many different furniture, used precisely in order to ensure that storage things. So, for example, produced different types of cabinets, but still not everywhere and not always used for this purpose cabinets. Sure, […]