Brazilian Federal Constitution

The World-wide Organization of the Health considers the social and economic environment, the physical environment and the characteristics and individual behaviors of the person as determinative for the health, and consequentemente for a healthful life. It has that if to consider that one of the factors most important for the health of the individual is […]


But for all this Easter has not come yet. And the personal journey to Golgotha is not over for many. The cross and resurrection for them to come. Oven temptations they still have. And the one who will turn 'twisted soul' from the path of True Life (John 14, 6) and will remain half-baked semi-finished […]

Czech Republic

Using the power saving mode significantly reduces water consumption (about 12,500 liters per year) and, accordingly, reduces the load on the sewage treatment plant. If you are using toilets in public restrooms, according to the sanitary standards of water consumption should be higher, and to this end is adjustable normal mode at 6 liters of […]

Somewhat Pathological Competition

A SOMEWHAT PATHOLOGICAL COMPETITION Dr. Barreto Luiz Fisioterapeuta and Fisiologista of the Exercise The objective of the present article is not the critical one, but yes an alert one for the danger of an attitude that this if becoming common enters the people in the day the day. Nowadays it is very common to find […]