Mahatma Ganddhi

If the defect is a limitation, it is not a sin, as it is not be little intelligent or little equipped for art. But the limitations are not accepted without humility. Which does not accept the limitations exposed to do the ridiculous, for example, talking about what they don’t know or boasting of what has […]

CRM Systems

If we look at recent statements dealing with the introduction of crm, it seems that the economic crisis slowly walked around the field of automation of work processes with the clients (implementation of crm and Call-centers of the construction). Many companies say sales growth and the emergence of many new projects. This is understandable, because […]


7 Would you not only ejerciste as a journalist but that photos were disseminated around the world, truth? Yes, I wanted to show where the blind of 10 families fascism can reach oligarchs Duenas of all 8 Honduras.Shared, shoulder to shoulder, with the major figures of resistance: Bertha Caceres, Bertha Oliva, Juan Barahona, Rafael Alegria, […]

Ronaldo Phenomenon

History of the soccer of the North and Northeast. Rio De Janeiro: Litteris, 2002. P. 86). Ademais, the senders give preference to the great teamses of twisted, because evidently they give to greater hearing. The result is a vicious circle, therefore more people, mainly of the new generations, start to admire these teamses, whose twisted […]

Saint Brissant Shirts

Go to the latest fashion with shirts Saint Brissant Saint Brissant brings a new perspective and a clear elegance we are committed to innovation, design and quality in terms of fabrics and finishes to the classical world of shirts. Saint Brissant released its first line of shirts in September and since then has released two […]

Nobel Prize Kobayashi

This year seems to be that several of the Nobel prizes granted to traditional science is correlational, and the curious thing that in them there are several Asians. Hikmet Ersek addresses the importance of the matter here. In the case of the prize Nobel in physics two scientific Japanese, Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa, sharing […]

Special District

Also, the zoning by risk of the city must systematically contemplate to this variable before the knowledge of the conditions differentials of the threat in the space of the city (Integral Plan of prevention and attention of Disasters). He is advisable to remember that the social costs of the earthquakes, besides the costs by material […]

Kromer World

Its first anguish was to understand that, to arrive to be as its parents, it needed to follow a long way, that ' ' another world always followed bordejando that one more dark and to the times in it penetrated all, not being of impossible that in it somebody remained and disappeared in its shades […]