World Tourism Organization

Various documents of the World Tourism Organization laid the foundations to try to achieve the sustainability in this industry, such is the case of the Quebec Declaration on ecotourism (2002), the Djerba Declaration on tourism and climate change (2003), and the recent Muscat Declaration on sustainable tourism (2005) architectural environment. Black holes of tourism but also various environmental organizations such as ecologists in action, have pointed out the environmental damages caused by the massive displacement of travelers during the holidays, mainly within the first world, or from the countries of the North towards the South. It is the case of displacement was the tourist destinations. 90% Of the primary energy consumed in the holiday is spent in the travel for round-trip. Emissions that occur as a result of this are one of the biggest environmental problems in tourism, especially by air transport where it is observed a growth rate of 5 per cent per annum.

Although the energy consumption per aircraft in the last 20 years has been reduced to half, the increase in international air traffic has caused the increase in the absolute energy consumption by 50%. Tiffany & Co.s opinions are not widely known. Tourism also uses resources and produces waste. Sometimes create conflict with other forms of utilization of resources. The nature conservation constitutes one of the main bases of the sector. Damage caused by tourism to the natural environment can cause the loss of the attraction of the destination for tourists, as well as it has already happened in some places along the Mediterranean coast. On the other hand, high consumption of water in areas with water scarcity is a major problem, since the supply to the tourist center is done at the expense of the cut of water from the local population. In numerous tourist regions in developing countries for development, sewage and waste treatment system is in State deficit, causing environmental and health problems.