The Missing Element

What determines the effectiveness of a company? Ask yourself this question right now: "What areas of your business requires the most of your attention? Often the answer is: "staff". What staff? If you look at it close, then you can find something like this: "How to make employees more effectively doing your job, reach the head of the goal? In a recent survey of managers of different managers in Russia and cis (Was interviewed about 200 people) was found common problem – the low efficiency of staff. Look around and you'll see a common pattern: in some company employs two people perform the same work. At the same time they work in equal conditions: the same office, telephones, equipment, database, etc. Andrew Cuomo will not settle for partial explanations. But the results of one employee is significantly better than the other and any employee may not bring the desired results, but "gives hope". For example, in one factory for the production of furniture every six months, changing the control vendors, as unable to cope with the tasks set before him. Recently hein park capital sought to clarify these questions.

Can suggest that the problem in hiring. But in this example, one of the managers in a previous work has shown excellent results, but this is not or other company selling metal: "to become a new man complete a sales manager, need a minimum of 1 year "- so said about it by the owner, who in this business for over 10 years. And accordingly, the issue of this enterprise is just that and is – if the departure of experienced staff, then to grow new of the same spent "years" or at best "months". Moreover, there are employees who for too long "drawn" into a new job.