Techniques Of Digital Documentation

1 INTRODUCTION Currently, each time more the institutions depends on the digital information that produce, therefore, becomes importantssimo the implementation of techniques and technological politics of preservation that will guarantee the perenidade and the accessibility this type of information that is in another support that not it traditional paper. Of this form, one understands that the digital preservation represents the responsible set of activities or processes for guaranteeing the continued access the long-stated period to the information and the existing cultural patrimony in digital formats. 2 SUMMARY OF the WORKMANSHIP the bibliographical data are: Heading Introduction to the digital preservation? Concepts, strategies and current consensuses, Author Miguel Blacksmith, Year 2006, ISBN 972-8692-30-7 and 978-972-8692-30-8, Publishing company School of Engineering of the University of the Minho, Place: Guimares – Portugal, Layer of Miguel Blacksmith, Support: Electronic edition, Dimensions of impression: 297mm, L: 210mm (A4), scientific Revision: Ana Alice Baptista (University of the Minho), Cristina Ribeiro (College of Engineering of the University of the Port), Francisco Barbedo (Institute of the National Archives/Tower of the Tumble), Jose Carlos Ramalho (University of the Minho), Pablo Cortez (University of the Minho), Language is the Portuguese. The book has as main focus the main new features of international the digital preservation. Initially, the author appraises digital object and digital preservation and makes commentaries on the understanding that if has and framing of the different strategies of preservation.

On preservation the long-stated period, has an international norm as reference model OAIS (Open Archival Information System) that it identifies to functional components and objects of information gifts in an archive system. It has, also, the main strategies of preservation, initiatives carried through on directories of formats that are proposals for the scientific community. The book speaks on authenticity, pointing out the importance of the concept of significant property in the elaboration of preservation politics. This salient workmanship on the necessity of the goal-information use as half to assure the authenticity of the custodiados materials, giving special emphasis to the Dictionary of Data PREMIS.