Employment Contract Cancellation

A verbal cancellation can be valid. Chef, I don’t want any more, I quit!” Who says a set of such or similar in the temper tantrum can expect under circumstances that this cancellation is valid. Although the thing is usually rules, if it is later but otherwise has second thoughts about it, but the Chief […]

Internet E-Mail

How excited we us about PRISM? We even first return on its doorstep! All the fuss to PRISM is – in my opinion, subjective, based on life experience they’re all just a media campaign for or against a part eilische alignment. The notes or questions: How many terrorist attacks would have been carried, how many […]

Wage Optimization

Tips and resources to optimize services for businesses and entrepreneurs. Optimization of net wages or wage optimization for entrepreneurs. Tip 1: team building is a common lunch or the provision of drinks for all workers for many employers. If this happens regularly, the workers must pay tax on a food – or catering expenses and […]