Rio De Janeiro

The street, that until the construction of the stadium if called Cndido Silva, gained the name of Bariri because, in days of rain, it formed a great rapids. Disillusionment? This does not need to be faced as one ‘ ‘ erro’ ‘. Because, as it shows the study of Capinuss well, the soccer has all proper vocabulary, whose words acquire one meaning different of usual p.ex., ‘ ‘ churchgoing’ ‘ it leaves of being a small shower to changed into a high pass data on the area adversary. Being thus, in the boleiro vocabulary, it does not have problem of ‘ ‘ bariri’ ‘ to be a tribe and end point. (PS: the chieftain of this tribe could well be the celebrity (convalesce block) Chieftain of Branches, who also is there in the Leopoldina) OBS.: In archive pdf in annex, photographs of the club, taken off for me in 2010 and 2011.

HYMN OF the POTTERY (author: Lamartine Babo) Pottery, your effort, your glory, is growing day the day, Pottery. Your life evidence the twisted one, Pottery. Your blue and white shirt has one ‘ ‘ qu’ ‘ of affection. Carrying through dreams a thousand, You will be a pioneer of the sport in Brazil. Club of blue-celestial band, You came to the Zone North, Club of the blue-celestial band, Are of the sport for the sport. SOURCES: BARROS, Geraldo Hunter of. Illustrated dictionary of the soccer. So Paulo: Placar, 1980.