APA Capivari

The institute has the function to execute the politics of sustainable use of the natural resources renewed and of support to the extrativismo and the traditional populations in the units of sustainable use. As Administrator of the UCs the institute has as main attributions the task to present and to edit norms and standards of management; to consider the creation, agrarian regularization and management; to support the implementation of the National System of Units of Conservation. The ICMBio must contribute for the recovery of degraded areas and still monitor the public use and the economic exploration of the natural resources in the units of conservation where this will be allowed, obeyed the legal requirements and of support of the environment. Therefore the APA- Capivari Monos is subjects to the all these actions come from the Institute Chico Mendes de Conservao of Biodiversity, and the success of the same ones to result in innumerable benefits for the APA. Thus, exactly fitting to the ICMBIO the management and the regularization of the UCs, the APA Capivari? Monos is a Municipal APA, created for decree of the city of So Paulo, and is subjects its laws of creation and managed by the Secretariat of the Green and Environment of the city of So Paulo. Therefore, the ICMBio acts in Brazil as a regulamentador agency of the Units of Conservation of the Nature. 3.

Presentation of the results of the research the Area of Ambient Protection Capivari? Monos Is managed by the City department of the Green and Environment of the City of So Paulo and by a managing advice, formed for members of the civil society. This advice possesss a chamber technique of tourism that has as objective to argue the questions of the development of the local tourism. Other organizations also act in the APA, its majority of tourist and ambient character.